That Thing

That thing! That thing that rears it’s ugly head because you are trying to keep peace. You don’t want to rock the boat or say how you truly feel because you are concerned about the other person. This week I learned that even in these situations you have to choose you. I chose to keep someone around me that continued to say negative things about me covered with friendship. I decided the best course of action was to slowly distance myself. A quiet unfriending of sorts. Well! They crossed a line that sent me to100! Needless to say, it did not end well. I have been quietly pondering why things happen the way they did. I realized this situation hit a nerve of the past. I felt bullied and pushed into a corner. As a child, when these situations would occur, I would cry and wonder what I did wrong. I always wanted people to be my friend even when they were negative towards me. This time, I came out like a lion because I refused to be bullied as a adult. Part of becoming is learning to be honest with people and defining relationships once you identify that they can become toxic. Everyone can’t be your close friend. It is ok to define relationships so that they are healthy for you. For me, this bump in the road helps me to continue to drive home the message of becoming the best you, you can be. This message will truly be one that I use when forming new relationships in the future. Remember, everything in life is a lesson to help us become our best self. These lessons will truly help you to keep BECOMING!

T. Sherrell

Lost Love

I have been purging my home for the last three weeks to prepare for our move. While purging, I found several books that I purchased and partially read. My sister in love (Amanda) shared a book suggestion with me today that really got me thinking. Why do I purchase books and never finish reading them? Anyone that has known me from childhood knows that I have a love for reading and buying books. Even in college, I bought books in anticipation of the story that would unfold on each page. What happen to my love for books? I allowed a connection to alter what I loved. Instead of embracing who I was, I embraced who a connection wanted me to be. Part of becoming is picking up those hobbies that you loved and allow them to flourish in your life again. What do you love that you don’t do anymore? Take some time to reintroduce that part of you again. As I continue on this journey, one thing I have learned is that sometimes I allowed things for the wrong reasons. Sometimes you have to continue to embrace who you are and who you are called to be. Enjoy it, embrace it, and keep becoming.

T. Sherrell